SMEs still optimistic about prospects
By Don Curren It’s a new year, but small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in North America continue to confront a world of uncertainty. SMEs are charting a course for 2020 with their vision being clouded by the specter of trade tensions with China, Brexit, the U.S. presidential election, the coronavirus outbreak, …

Cybersecurity more important than ever
By Yves Paquette At a time when data breaches are the matter of the moment, our fourth annual NOVIPRO/Léger Portrait of IT Trends could not be more relevant. But while the data gathered in the study reveals a shift in some trends, the pace at which companies are changing their …

Enabling modernized payments
By Pamela Steer New technology and payments innovation are transforming the way Canadian consumers and businesses make and process payments. According to data from Payments Canada’s annual Canadian Payments Methods and Trends Report, Canadian businesses are writing less cheques while expanding the range of electronic payment options they offer to …

Yellow signs for U.S. investment
U.S. equipment and software investment is projected to expand by just 1.1 percent in 2020 while the country’s economic growth is expected to slow to 1.7 percent according to the 2020 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook, published by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. After decelerating over the …

How to achieve corporate sustainability
By Patricia Voorhees Corporate sustainability is broadly defined as how an entity has a positive impact on the environment and society in which it operates. In an era of climate change and changing investor expectations, corporations are concerned with sustainability and assess their impact through environmental, social and governance (ESG) …

Capital spending may hit record
Non-residential construction and machinery and equipment (M&E) capital expenditures are projected to hit a record $275.5 billion in 2020, according to Statistics Canada, from $268 billion in 2019, and surpassing the previous peak of $272.1 billion registered in 2014. The 2020 capital investment intentions data, encompassed in the Capital and …