CLIENT & SUPPORTER REGISTRATION Just $295.00 per person (up to 4 people) Building Customer LoyaltyBy submitting this form you are reserving your seat at the 2018 Building Customer Loyalty Workshop on April 19th, 2018. This takes place at the Sheraton Parkway North Hotel Conference Centre in Markham, ON. Your registration provides breakfast, lunch, networking and handouts. Special Offer Rates (each for up to 4 people): $295.00 plus HST. each. Please complete all fields. You will receive a registration confirmation and receipt by return email. You may also register by email to with all details. Please complete carefully. Thank you for your registration. * = Required Fields0Delegate #1*full name1Title*2Email*a valid email address3Delegate #2*full name4Title*5Email*a valid email address6Delegate #3*full name7Title*8Email*a valid email address9Delegate #4*full name10Title*Title11Email*a valid email address12Company*13Address*14Address*15City*16Province*17Postal Code*18Phone*19Fax*20Credit Card Number*21EXP Date*MMYY22Name*As appears on card23Email*for payment receipt24I am also interested in more information on:*Advertising in Direct Marketing magazineSponsoring Direct Marketing breakfast briefingsPromotiong my company at Direct Marketing events25Submit26