Foundation Magazine‘s next issue contains a Special Report on the WE CHARITY controversy and will publish major features, insights, commentary and personal viewpoints from a wide cross section of leaders and directors from the philanthropic sector. You may also contribute your editorial view or comment to this issue; up to approximately 250 words. Simply complete this online form and we will include your commentary in this issue. There will be a special section of the report featuring these compact insights and views. You understand and agree that by submitting this form, you are providing permission for us to publish these words and identify you as the author. All submissions will be authenticated and checked before acceptance. Thank you for your support. The Editors.

  • Your Name*full name
  • Your Title*
  • Organization*In full please
  • Your Email*a valid email address
  • My Comment*Take up to 250 words. If you wish to write a longer commentary, please email Editor Steve Lloyd at with a note requesting our Editorial Guidelines and mention this offer. There is no cost to you.
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